
Category: Updates from Camp

Daily updates from the camp director at Camp Oz so parents can follow along with their camper’s adventures

A woman takes a selfie with a large group of young girls at camp, many of them laughing and hugging.

2018 Updates from Camp Oz: Day Five!

- Updates from Camp

Our last full day of Camp Oz has arrived. It was a bit gloomy and chilly this morning, but I’ll take that weather over Sunday’s humidity any day – and it certainly didn’t stop the campers from getting to their first activities, even the swimmers. The water level has risen about 2-3 feet from the damn break a few days ago, so we moved over to Troy Beach right next door and the cabin groups still got to swim. Our last cabin groups of the day got to participate in the horses, so we sent a group of volunteers to assist with that activity.

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A line of boys of varied ages stands on a log in a wooded area.

2018 Updates from Camp Oz: Day Four!

- Updates from Camp

Alas, this day finally brought some sunshine for the campers! Waffles were for breakfast today – always a hit with this group. We had a birthday in the house, so we all celebrated that as well.

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A group of teenaged girls stands in a line and poses.

2018 Updates from Camp Oz: Day Three!

- Updates from Camp

Tuesday started off with some light rain again, but that did not deter the campers from getting off to a great start to the day! After breakfast, cabins were off to their first activity of the day. Today was the first day the camp store was open for campers, so it was neat to see what caught their eye. Camp staff set up several indoor options for cabins that didn’t want to be in the rain, so various groups voted on this morning activities.

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Three very muddy campers pose for a photo in front of a cabin

2018 Updates from Camp Oz: Day Two!

- Updates from Camp

We woke up to our second day of camp with much cooler temperatures. After a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, and cereal (always a crowd pleaser), a quick rain shower hit camp. But after some cabin time to clean and organize (very needed, even after only one day) the campers were ready to hit the first official activities of the day.

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A panoramic photo shows a large group of kids and counselors gathered around a plaza at camp, sitting on wooden benches.

2018 Updates from Camp Oz: Day One!

- Updates from Camp

Our first day at Camp Oz was hot, hot hot!  We welcomed 130 campers out to Camp St. Croix for the week in what felt like 120 degree weather.  But everyone sure was troopers!  The campers got settled into their cabins and headed to unit activities where they got to

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